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    What happens if you touch electric fly swatter?

    Jul 01, 2022        By admin
    An electric fly swatter works by using a small electrical charge to incapacitate and kill any insect it touches. The shock is not strong enough to harm humans, although it can give you a painful jolt if it is not handled properly. It doesn't come with a stand, you have to walk around with it like a tennis racket.
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    What is the use of hot water bags?

    Jun 22, 2022        By admin
    Hot water bags are usually used to relax your muscles by giving them the required heat. It is helpful in eliminating muscle pain, curing sprains and so on. Can hot water bag or gel bag be used to eliminate menstrual pain? Yes, hot water bags have been considered an effective remedy to reduce menstrual cramps pain.
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    What is a portable fan?

    May 05, 2022        By admin
    A portable fan is a cord-connected appliance that is easily moved by hand from place to place. Portable fans consist of box fans, window box fans, dual window fans, window fans, desk/table fans, pedestal/floor fans, clip-on fans, and hassock fans.
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